Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It stared with a little mouse...

The boys and I have been reading E. B. White's Stuart Little. What a joy it's been to see the boys grow to love this story and it's characters.  On the back cover is  Mr. White's bio. At the end is saids: "Mr. White found writing difficult and bad for one's health, but he kept at it even so. He would have liked, more than anything , to be a poet. The poets, he thought, are the great ones. He began Stuart little in the hope of amusing a six-year-old niece of his, be before he had finished it she had grown up and was reading Heimingway."

Even E.B. White struggled with writing! He was a journalist from 1925 to 1943. He wrote all the time and yet it took him 7 years to write and publish Stuart Little.  When it was published in 1945  it got luke warm reviews. It wasn't until 1970 that his book started to receive its due attention. Stuart Little and Charlotte's Web jointly won the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal.  25 years after Stuart Little was published! 
EVERYBODY struggles! It's really hard to be a writer and it sometimes takes a really long time to complete a manuscript. Everybody has been rejected at some time. Everybody feels like quitting at one time or lets self doubt keep them from starting. 

I also hear a lot of aspiring writers say they would love to write but just feel it's too late. Too late for what?! Live your dreams now! Just take that first step! Write the first chapter! Amazing things will happen if you will just start and once you start-keep going!!! Dreams do come true! Walt Disney was told no one would come to his silly family themed park.  Last quarter Disney Co. made 2.1 billion in profits. Not bad for someone who was told his dream was ridiculous!!!

EVERYBODY struggles! Won't it be great to look back on your struggles and think it was hard but well worth it!

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