Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Oscars or Kids?

So I've been running around today like a chicken with my head cut off. I grew up on a farm and believe me that is a really scary thing!!!

Today is the last day before the Reading Rock Star Summer Reading Program launch at my son's school. Like all assemblies,  a million things have gone wrong. The DJ cancelled 3 days before the program, bookmarks missing, reading charts came back from printers the wrong color and those are just the ones I can mention without crying.

Nothing is going according to my magical, Disney like, super awesome, will get everyone super excited, perfect assembly I had envisioned.

Three deep breaths later, I have to remind myself the real reason we're doing this....the kids! They aren't going to care if there isn't a DJ or the reading charts are green. Maybe the decorations are a little crooked or they don't notice the decorations at all. The important thing is if that one child who was looking forward to endless video games this summer decides to include reading in their list of summer activities then it was all worth it! It's all about the kids! It's all about getting them excited about reading.

We do have some really cool things planned. Super rock star author, Lisa Ard, is coming to speak to the kids about her book! Fun prizes and lots of glitter stars plastered to the walls! If we can pull off the music without a DJ it will be a miracle but in the end, I hope the kids leave psyched for reading!! It's all about the kids!

*Next year, I want Toni to be our author!!! Good things are going to happen to her!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I will check my calendar.....yep, WIDE open! Besides if the kids don't notice what color the decorations are then they won't care if someone is PRE-published or not! I am SO there! (And good job on the program! Get those kids reading!)
