Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I missed reading and writing this week!  (Well, a little bit!)  It's funny how you can miss your routine when you take yourself away from it.  No computers or electricity for 4 days can be very challenging for writers!

We went camping and had a great time! Lots of fun, friends, burnt marshmallows and SUN! It was a much needed break and SUN! Summer vacations are the best and then there's the SUN! *sigh*..the resonating sigh of an Oregonian.

Prior to vacation, I had been working on a chapter that just wasn't coming together. I was stuck with puzzle pieces just NOT fitting together and I was ready to throw the whole thing out!!! I wanted to finished it before we left for vacation but you know how it goes.

Cool thing about vacations, it's a chance for your subconscious to work out your problems. Sitting next to a fire, the solution to my writing challenges just wafted into my mind.  Vacations and sun just rock!

So if you're at a breaking point...take a break! Your creativity and productivity will thank you for it!!!

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