Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Everybody Needs a little Zibble

Some friends and I have been doing homeschool pre-school. We decided to "do it ourselves" because the desired pre-school has a VERY long wait list. After two school years, my son still hasn't made it in!  We finally gave up and formed our own preschool. It's been so fun to (to have my house completing destroyed every couple of weeks) teach and do crafts with the kids. Our "just look something up on the internet" curriculum is simple enough and the kids are at a really fun age!

On the last day, the day before the SCBWI's writers conference, I had nothing. I'd been so busy preparing for the conference, I failed to prepare for preschool. My son was really excited because it was the last day of preschool and it was "Z" day. He was sure it was going to be a "pretty awesome" day. As preschool time grew closer, more I felt a big ole FAIL coming on. Grrrrr! Self-inflicted pressure is never fun!

The kids would be here very soon and I had no idea what we're gonna do. I finally just gave up! Who cares! It's the last day. We'll read some books, sing some songs then they can just play. I've got too much on my plate to worry about! The stress is killing me! I'm going to be a mess at the conference!

I started to put some basic crafts supplies on the table. Construction paper, pipe cleaners, paints, crayons, brightly colored puff balls and goggly eyes.  My eyes lingered on the puffs balls and goggly eyes. Something clicked. I'll make Zibbles! What a Zibble is....I didn't really know but it was "Z" day so it had to work.

I hot glue gunned eyes to puff balls and soon had a village of Zibbles. They actually turned out really cute! Big mama and daddy Zibbles, tinny-tiny little baby Zibbles and lots of other kid Zibbles in various sizes. We had a A-B-C hunt for find the little guys and the kids had a blast! They had more fun with those Zibbles then any other craft we've made.

It's amazing what inspiration came after I gave up. My mother-in-law has written several books and she loves to say "If I never gave up, I'd never get anywhere." She is a very wise and quotable woman! I could devote a blog to all the practical and cool advice she gives. Anyway, sometimes we just have to take a step back, take a big deep breath and start again.

My very awesome co-blogger, the amazing Toni, wrote how she was thinking of quitting. She was at a point of frustration and feeling super overwhelmed. At that darkest moment, one little thing touched her and changed her whole perspective. It just takes one thing...one little Zibble!

So give up...for a little bit. Quit...give yourself some breathing room. Come back and conquer the world! Find your own little Zibbles!!

P.S. The kids and I are writing a adventure book about Zibbles!

1 comment:

  1. Well there you go....we now have "On the Literary Rebound" mascots! So every time we are thinking of giving up, or anyone is thinking about giving up, we will give out Zibbles!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!
