Thursday, June 14, 2012

How to start a novel - part 1

It dawned on me the other day that, in all of our bloggness (new word!  I just made it up and love it!) we usually discuss why and how to keep going when a literary agent or publisher has rejected you (us).  But what about those who haven't even started?  Are we scaring them into quitting before they even start? I hope not!

I hope that if you've ever thought about writing a book, a story, a poem that you will.  There is something magical about writing; you fall in love with characters, you believe in them, you root for them, and finally, you can't wait to hear how their story ends (because yes, the characters write the story, not you.)

I was in my oldest sons class talking to the kids about writing (and the dreaded "E" word - editing) and one of the kids asked me how I started writing.

(**Imagine me staring off into the distance, while that soothing, flashback music plays in the distance**)

It was the summer before my oldest son went into 3rd grade and all three of my boys were going to their grandpa's for a week (or two, I can't remember!) My father-in-law lives in a tiny town, nestled in the mountains of Eastern Oregon. (Where they can ride 4-wheeler's around century-old barns, and man-made ponds and yet never leave grandpa's property!)

So when Kole said he couldn't find anything interesting to read I offered to write him a book.  (I was very naive and thought it wasn't THAT hard!) So, while they were gone, I wrote a story about three boys who went to visit their grandpa in a tiny town in Eastern Oregon who discover a forest full of secrets.  Along their journey they uncover a power to turn into animals.  Of course I've done a few (a lot) of edits since then so the story has taken on a new life (and new worlds) of its own, but the point is, write what you know!

I know my father-in-law, the town he lives in, the things that happen in a small town - and I especially know my boys and what they are like.  So pick something you love to do, or even something you'd like to know more about and research the heck out of it - and then write about it.

And the most important step of all:

READ!  You may think that your idea is the best - ever!  And yes I am sure that a Vampire-Alien lovechild heading off to wizard's school will make you a bazillionaire, BUT unless you read, read, and read some more, you'll have no idea who to sell your wonderful idea to, or if anyone would be interested in reading it!

Good luck!  And remember, never give up on your dreams!  And when you've had 1 too many rejections, know that we will be here, with our annoying little stories and imaginary pom-poms, cheering you on!


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