Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Keeping your marbles

Some times life is so CRA-ZZZ-AZY! If you are like most of us, we are being pulled in so many directions due to our demanding schedules. It's exhilarating yet exhausting at the same time. AND most of us love it! That's right we love it! We fill our schedules with fun and important things such as work, volunteer work, caring for those we love, making memories and fun activities with our kids, causes we are passionate about and making the world better in our own little way. All important things that make our lives worth living and we do it because we love it! I would rather be super crazy busy than bored out of my mind.

In all this super, crazy busy stuff, sometimes it's really hard to find the time for writing. I love to write but it's more a "fun thing I get to do at the end of the day if I get everything else done" type of thing. So it's no surprise that I often feel frustrated for not meeting my writing goals. Grrrr!

Today I found this great post on Writer Unboxed about great advice to writers. Keep Moving Forward was the theme of the post and I found it very inspiring! In our crazy world, there is so much that is out of our control. Work on the things that you can control like:  finding a time to write, making writing a priority, writing the very best that you can and most importantly....keeping your marbles during all of this! All things we've heard so many times but hearing again and again brings hope and renewed vigor. It's a great post and just what I needed to read today. I would recommend checking it out!

So let yourself be crazy busy! Just remember to schedule time for what's really important in your life!


  1. I agree! No shame in making "me-time" to write.

  2. ooh, I could have written the part about doing everything else first..., writing often takes a back seat, even though I know it shouldn't!
