Monday, January 28, 2013

Motivation Monday

You know those moments when someone says something so profound you wonder why you didn't think of it yourself?  Or when someone notices something you never did?  Yah, it was one of those moments.

I was talking to a friend and mentioned that I needed to get my blog done.  She asked what I was going to blog about (what? There are other bloggers out there who don't know what to blog about???? Never!) I told her that Motivation Monday is actually fairly easy.  I take an inspirational quote and apply it to writing.  (It's a patented formula so don't try and steal it)

And that's when it happened.  That "doh" moment.

She said, "Oh, yah, inspirational, like that magnet you have on your fridge.  I like that one."

Um.  Yah.  Totally, like that one.  I totally had that planned ALL ALONG.

How perfect is that??????

This magnet is one of those things I purposely put on my fridge to remind me that life is everything.  The things we do day in and day out are our stories.  The friends we make, the jobs we have, the loves we have, the books we write.

If you think about it for a second, who wants to read a book about a "stuck-in-a-rut" accountant truck driver who refuses to do something about their life?  The books we read inspire us to get up and do something, to be someone.  They remind us that anything is possible if we just try.  More importantly they give us hope.

You can live your life, writing a story no one will ever read, or you can get outside of your comfort zone, do something daring, and write the stories that inspire others.

It's your choice.  For me, 2013 is already on track to be the year I write the stories people want to read.


  1. I INSPIRED A BLOG POST!!!! WOW!! I FEEL SO LUCKY!!! I am so glad I could help! Love you and love that fridge magnet!!! :)

  2. What do you have against accountants? :)

    1. On the day I wrote that......a lot, only because I knew I was going to have to put on my "accounting" shoes the next morning. See revision above ;)
