Monday, January 21, 2013

Motivation Monday

"Make voyages! Attempt them! There's nothing else."
- Tennessee Williams

This is what I feel like every time I go to a writer's event.  Actually, I feel more like someone just pushed me off the rock (ahem....Erika), and not that I jumped on my own. This weekend Erika and I went to a critique event, and I can tell you now, it was great.  (Check out Thursday's post for details)

The quote for this week is especially important to writer's.  We seem to be a reclusive bunch of people.  The more author bios I read the more normal I feel, because they all seem to say the same thing: that authors are mainly introverted. They all struggled with putting themselves out there.

I will be the first to defend the introverted personalities of the world - and I will be the first to admit that, as an introvert, I need to challenge myself.  I need to push myself off cliffs (hypothetically speaking, of course).  I need to make my own voyages and attempt them.  We all do.  If we don't, we stay stagnant.  We never grow, never learn, never prosper - and never learn to believe in ourselves or our talents.

So find a cliff....

and jump.

(not literally - just literary-ly)


  1. Great thought, and I even love the pun! :)

  2. Hahaha! The pun is great! Love the picture too! I wish there was one with two people jumping because that's how it was on Saturday!!! Thanks for going with me. That was hard but for our benefit! Let's jump again in May at the big SCBWI conference!
