Monday, March 18, 2013

Motivation Monday

"Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under different conditions."
- Mark Twain

When I was in elementary school I wanted to be marine biologist.  Well, actually that's not true.  In elementary school I loved whales.  By 7th grade I knew I wanted to work with whales.  By 8th grade I was determined to work at Sea World - I wanted to spend every day working with beluga whales.
(Can you blame me? They are so cute!)

Then, of course, I realized how much work it would take to become a marine biologist and live out my dreams.  Life happened and before I knew it my dream was gone.  (No I'm not about to get all sad and sappy on you...)

I've since always worked in accounting.  (And I know I have accounting friends who read this blog - I DO NOT MEAN ANYTHING BY WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY - I LOVE ACCOUNTANTS!)

But accounting was never my dream.  I was never satisfied with my jobs because I didn't LOVE it.  And then one day my life changed forever.  That was the day I told my son I'd write him a book.  It has been just as challenging as any job - full of frustrations and rejection (and not enough pay - or any at all!!) But the most important thing is that my perspective changed.  I realized that I could do something I loved.

Of course, until the day comes when I am actually paid to write, I can't truly say that my work is play, but if I am doing something I love, then I feel as if I can.

Doing what you love, no matter if it's accounting (Tonya ;) or raising kids, or writing stories, or building race cars - if you love it, it's no longer work.