Thursday, March 21, 2013

Writers Workshop - Part 2

Well, well, well..... So I heard a few complaints over the last week about my blog.....


Come on - I'm a writer, you should come to expect cliff hangers by now!  You wouldn't complain if a mechanic brought out a new transmission!

.....and we continue (where we were so rudely left in Writers Workshop - Part 1)

For those that hadn't talked to me before I left, one of my biggest worries in regards to the writers workshop was..... eating alone.  Yah.  I know.  It goes back to elementary school and is vaguely related to being picked last for kickball...

So when I arrived really, really, really late on Saturday (okay it was like 8pm but it felt like 3am) I unpacked and crashed and left my anxiety waiting for me on the dresser.  I knew most of the attendees wouldn't be there until after lunch.  I was instructed to "make myself at home" and go into the kitchen for breakfast.  Much to my relief there was another attendee already there eating.  (Needless to say the poor woman found herself with a week-long shadow.)

Our workshop was smaller that others and for that I am grateful.  Not dealing well with change and new people, it didn't take me too long to feel at ease around everyone (not mention the fact that they were all amazing writers and incredibly nice!)

We had a beautiful meeting place ("The Barn") 

And adorable cabins
And breathtaking surroundings!
Sunday night we all sat together at a long table and had the first, of what would become a week of amazing meals.  (Amazing, not just because I didn't have to buy it, cook it, or clean up after it, but because their kitchen staff is the best!)

Monday we started to get to work.  Each of us was assigned a mentor, who read our entire manuscripts and we had the first of two one-on-one's with our mentors.

Each day we classes that helped up hone in on our craft, whether it was teaching us about submissions and query letters, or about editing, or about plot, in each class I learned something new.  (I will say I am very excited to look at my YA and implement a few new dimensions to its plot!)

Every day we had time with the group and time by ourselves to read or write or ponder, whatever we wanted to do.

And by Thursday we even had...

The week was absolutely amazing.  I will admit I wound up doing more soul searching than writing, but I will always cherish the time there.  Having the opportunity to have someone read your entire manuscript is invaluable.  And yet spending a week with like-minded people, sitting in the same pre-published (for the most part) boat was something I will forever cherish.

And with that in mind (and in an effort to save as many friendships as possible) I will NOT end with a cliffhanger but I will say that I will post Part 3 next week.  :)

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